Cycle Day Adjustment Factor
Menu > Cycle Day Adjustment Factor
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Menu > Cycle Day Adjustment Factor
Last updated
There are times in supply chain management when known events such as a supplier shut down (e.g. Chinese New Year), promotions, contractual agreements, or pre-build due to capacity limitations exist. R+ offers a solution to add a known number of days coverage or a set quantity in the yellow or red zones to address additional supply or demand requirements during this period.
To create a new CDAF, go to the Cycle Day Adjustment Factor screen from the Menu. Click the "+Add New CDAF" button in the upper right-hand corner.
In the Add New CDAF pop-up, name the CDAF, set the dates that you wish it to take effect, select the zone you wish it to effect, and enter the coverage amount and type. Use the tips below for guidance.
Customize the name to the situation you use it for. This will allow you to easily assign it to parts and find it later if you need to copy it again.
CDAFs are location-specific. You will need to create multiple CDAFs if the same event impacts multiple locations.
The Start Date should always be the start date of the event. The buffer will start the adjustment (increase by the coverage amount) one RPlus Lead Time before the Start Date to ensure that you are prepared by the time of the event.
The End Date should always be the end date of the event. For all R+ versions before 4.17.3, the CDAF adjustment will stop on the End Date. For all R+ instances on versions 4.17.3 or later, the buffer adjustment will stop one RPlus Lead Time before the End Date to ensure that you are not overordering past the time that the extra inventory is needed.
If this is a permanent or ongoing CDAF, you can also check "No Expiration".
Zone Type
Select which zone you wish the CDAF to affect. Adjustments to the Yellow Zone should be made for disruptions to supply, such as a vendor or plant shutdowns or extended holiday periods. Adjustments to the Red Zone should be made for high-demand events, such as promotions or contractual agreements.
Coverage Value
The Coverage Value is determined by the Coverage Type. If the Coverage Type is Days Coverage, then the Coverage Value should be the number of days between the start or end date. If the Coverage Type is Units Coverage, then the Coverage Value should be a static quantity that will be added to the Red or Yellow Zone.
Coverage Type
The Coverage Type will either be Days Coverage or Units Coverage. If it is Days Coverage, the calculation will be EDU*# of Days in the Coverage Value. If it is Units Coverage, then the quantity of the units in the Coverage Value field will be added to the existing Yellow or Red Zone.
You will be able to see the effects of the CDAF adjustment on individual parts' buffers on the Buffer Size
There are two ways to add a CDAF to a part. Via the part editor, or through the parts file upload
Part Editor
In Part editor, find the part you want to apply and select "Details"
2. Click "Edit" in the top right and then choose the CDAF you want under Cycle
3. Click "Save"
Pentair has manually created CDAFs thus far in QA for testing. Have not created CDAFs via CSV upload yet.
Upload via Parts File
This will be a configuration import, so the import file will have the following columns. Fill in the appropriate CDAF you want to apply. Save as a CSV.
2. Go to Menu > Import Management and click Configuration Import
3. Add your file, click "Save and Continue"
4. Click "Validate Data". If there are no errors click "Start" to trigger the import.