Part Transition
Menu > Part Transition
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Menu > Part Transition
Last updated
The part transition feature allows users to link parts together in R+ via the ADU and/or Net Flow elements. It is designed to address new part introductions and part transitions.
Pentair utilizes the Part Transition feature. These parts have been identified as new introductions and are transitioning from old part numbers.
This feature can be located on the Menu in the Editors section.
The main screen of the Part Transition editor looks like the below:
Target Part
The part given additional or alternate EDU and/or net flow elements.
Source Part
The part where the EDU and/or Net flow link originates from.
Start Date
The date when the linkage starts.
End Date
The date when the linkage ends.
ADU Link Method
How the source part’s ADU will link to the Target part ADU; either “Additive”, “Replace” or “None”.
Net Flow Link
Indicates if the source part’s Net Flow components are also linked to the target part; either checked or blank.
Conversion Ratio
Can be used to multiply the source ADU transferred to the target part. Field is in integers. S
To set a new Part Transition, select the green “Add New Transition” button in the upper right hand corner.
You should see this pop-up screen:
First, select the Target part and the Source part. The Target part will receive the EDU and/or the Net Flow elements (supply, demand, on hand) from the Source part.
These are the rules that determine part selection:
Only one target/source combination can be used at a time.
E.g. Part A and Part B can only be connected once. You cannot set up multiple transitions for any two parts.
Target parts can receive Net Flow elements from multiple Source parts.
Target parts can receive multiple additive source part EDUs.
Target part can only receive one replace source part EDU (but still also receive other additive source part EDUs).
The same source part can be used for multiple ADU linkages to Target parts. A source part can only be used once for Net Flow linkages.
Both the source and target parts should remain in R+ for the duration of the link. The source part does still need to be in R+ (even if the target part is replacing it) to ensure that its demand history/net flow elements can be linked to the new target part.
The start and end dates indicate the length of time that the source part EDU and/or net flow elements will be transitioned to the target part. There must always be a start date, but there does not have to be an end date.
Select “Net Flow Link” if you want the supply, demand, and on hand values from the source part to be transitioned to the target part. If you select this option, the source priority will be set to the “Inactive Order State” and its on hand inventory, supply orders, and demand orders will appear in the Part Details of the target part. No orders will be autogenerated by R+ for the source part and its Priority will also be set to 0. This can be used with or without the ADU Link.
The ADU Link options are “Additive”, Replace” or “None”. If using “None”, you have to select the Net Flow link.
Additive will add the source part’s EDU to the Target part EDU.
Replace will replace the target part EDU with the source EDU.
None means that the source EDU will not affect the target EDU.