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Menu > Site Administration > Processing
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Processing Settings govern the buffer calculations, alert parameters, and MRP usage in R+. These settings are set at an instance level. However, some can also be modified at the part or buffer level.
The "Round Buffer Values to One" setting gives you the choice to round buffer zone calculations to 1. This setting is set to ON so all red zone, yellow zone, and green zone calculations that are less than 1 in R+ will round up to 1.
The "Ignore NB Demand Outside Processing Window" setting is turned OFF so all NB demand will be imported. It was determined that Pentair needs to have visibility to all NB demand regardless of dates.
The Demand Order Window is the number of days extra outside of the processing window for either buffered or non-buffered parts that R+ will look for demand to consider against that part. It is separated by buffered or non-buffered parts because these are both processed differently. You can also set the values for different types of demand orders in R+. Purchase Orders are included here in case they are used as a form of demand in your supply chain processes. This value respects the calendars in R+.
For Buffered parts, the value is the number of days past today and past due items in which R+ will include demand in the Net Flow Equation. If the value = 5, then all demand that is due today, in the past, and due 5 days in the future will be included in the net flow. It is highly recommended to leave all of these values at 0 as you will otherwise be routinely ordering up to 5 more days of inventory ahead of when you need it. This will increase your overall inventory values. We have determined to set these values set to 0 for buffered parts.
For Non-Buffered parts, the value is the number of days past the lead time of the NB item in which R+ will recognize demand against the part. If the lead time of the NB part = 10 and the demand order window value = 5, then R+ will react to and recommend orders on demand that is up to 15 days in the future. We have determined to set these values to 5 for all part types for Non-Buffered parts.
This setting gives you the option to include order spikes in the Net Flow calculation. It can be turned on or off by demand order type.
We highly recommend to enable the "Include Spikes in Net Flow" setting as it will help you react faster to large orders that could overwhelm your buffer. Per the recommendation, we have determined to enable the setting for all order types (Work Order, Sales Order, Transfer Order, Purchase Order).
This feature is active only when ‘Automatically generate supply orders for NB parts’ are turned on.
Imagine a simple BoM, where Part A is a parent and its immediate children, B and C, are non-buffered and the fixed lead times for all three parts are 10. The Intuiflow lead time for A will be 20 days.
When this setting is activated, Intuiflow will look at the on-hand quantity of both B and C to see if there is enough quantity available to fulfill parent part A’s demand. If this is true, the supply order for A will have a promise date based on the fixed lead time of 10 days and not the Intuiflow lead time of 20 days. Only non-buffered parts are taken into consideration since buffered child parts do not contribute to the decoupled lead times of their parent parts.
For those supply orders that have compressed lead times, Intuiflow will display a message stating “Lead time compressed by XX days” in the Notes column to explain how Intuiflow arrived at a promise date that is less than today plus the decoupled lead time. Only when all the non-buffered child part’s on hand quantities suffice for parent part A’s demand will promise date compression take effect. In the event that there are multiple demands for part A, only those demands that can be met with on-hand quantities of parts B and C will have supply orders generated with compressed promise dates using fixed lead times. The remaining demands will continue to generate supply orders with full decoupled lead times.
Allow lead time compression is turned on for Pentair.
If you enable the "Use FDU imported with Parts file" setting, R+ will use the Forecasted Daily Usage (FDU) imported from the Parts file. Pentair is not using FDU currently for any parts so we have this setting disabled.
The "Weeks of forecast demand" setting allows you to determine the number of weeks used for the FDU calculation. Specifying the number of weeks in this field enables R+ to use the number entered here to calculate the FDU using forecasted demand loaded into R+. Pentair is not using FDU currently for any parts so we have this setting disabled.
When "Generate Forecasted Demand and FDU for Child Parts" is enabled, R+ will use the forecasted demand for finished goods imported into R+ and the Bill of Materials information to explode and consolidate weekly forecasted demands for the child parts. Pentair is not using FDU currently for any parts so we have this setting disabled.
When "Consider Inventory When Generating Forecasted Demand For Child Parts" is enabled, R+ will consider a part's current on-hand inventory when generating forecasted demand for child parts via explosion from Finished Goods. Pentair is not using FDU currently for any parts so we have this setting disabled.
If you enable the "Use ADU Imported with Part Record" setting, then R+ will use the Average Daily Usage (ADU) value imported with the part record for buffer size calculations. This setting allows for a manual override of ADU for parts in R+. Pentair determined to leave this setting off as we are letting the system calculate ADU based off of the demand history import.
The "Weeks of Demand History for ADU" setting allows you to determine the number of weeks used for the ADU calculation. Specifying the number of weeks in this field enables R+ to use the number entered here to calculate the ADU using demand history. Due to the current variability and uncertainty within Pentair's supply chain, we determined to configure this setting to a full 52 weeks. Pentair feels that this will allow the system to analyze a larger time period and reduce the variability that could be present by looking at a shorter window to calculate ADU.
You can utilize the "Exclude negative demands for ADU" setting to exclude data points from the demand history where the demand for a part in a particular day is below 0. This may occur if a customer returns inventory for instance. Pentair decided to enable this setting as they do not want large customer returns to impact the ADU and buffer sizing for parts.
The "Standard Deviation Horizon (in weeks)" setting allows users to configure the number of weeks R+ will analyze when determining the variability of a part's demand history. The variability impacts buffer profile selections. Pentair decided to configure this setting according to the recommended default value of 26 weeks.
"The "Exclude Negative Demand" setting excludes negative data points from the standard deviation of demand calculations within R+. Pentair decided to enable this setting so returns are not impacting the variability of parts.
This is the global default percentage of the red zone that daily demand will need to surpass to trigger spikes on parts in R+. While this is the default value for all buffers in R+, the order spike alert level can also be specified at the buffer level to a different percentage of the red zone. The spike settings at the buffer level (default or otherwise) will be what govern spikes at a part level. Pentair decided to leave this setting configured to the default value of 50.000.
This is the global default number of lead times in which R+ will consider spikes in the Net Flow. Like the Order Spike Alert Level, the order horizon level can also be specified at the buffer level. The spike settings at the buffer level (default or otherwise) will be what govern spikes at a part level. Pentair decided to leave this setting configured to the default value of 2 Lead Times.
This level is the percentage of the Red Zone that will trigger a High Material Synchronization or Projected Stock Out alert. This alert can be modified at the buffer profile level. Note that this will be the level used for all Non-Buffered parts for the MSA Alert. Pentair decided to leave this setting configured to the default value of 50.000.
If you enable this setting, then the PSO Alert will count supply orders in the EDU based running balance. It is recommended that you do turn this setting on to give a more accurate picture of potential shortages. Leaving this setting Off will result in highly conservative, and most likely, more frequent alerts. Pentair determined to leave this setting off to give planners/buyers insight into "worst case scenario" within the Projected Stock Out alerts. The plan is to reconsider enabling this setting down the road if Pentair notices there are too many PSO alerts.
Supply Orders are automatically included in the MSA alert. Users have the ability to extend the MSA alert outside the set Alert Horizon of 1 Lead Time. This can give greater visibility to potential shortages outside the lead time to the extent that you receive demand orders outside this time frame. However, it will also likely increase the number of alerts you will see in the system and, in some cases, alert to situations that you have plenty of time to prepare for. Because of these reasons, Pentair determined to leave this setting disabled for the time being.
This setting allows you to determine if the Vendor Calendar should affect the request date. If this is turned ON, then a vendor holiday entered in the Vendor Calendar will push back the Request Date by the number of days in the holiday for the relevant part. If OFF, then the Vendor Calendar holidays will not affect the Request Date. Pentair settings is OFF for now.
The Perform MRP Netting after import switch iS OFF for Pentair. MRP still creates dependent requirements in SAP, and the interface reads the open demand for mid-levels and raw materials from SAP.
The Perform MRP Netting when creating new orders is ON for Pentair, the host system continues to be the MRP system, but on approving buffered make parts in R+, you want to generate dependent demand orders for its children in R+.
Automatically Generate Supply Orders for NB parts is OFF during the pilot phase of each rollout. After the planners are confident with the planning results, we recommend turning this ON.
R+ offers a Material Availability Check to help planners/schedulers be aware of any immediate child part shortages. These are the settings that govern this field in R+.
Pentair uses the Auto Approve feature for MinMax (AK program) parts. This setting will only be for parts with the Auto Approve flag on.
The Super User is responsible for setting that flag on.