Menu > Site Administration > General
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Menu > Site Administration > General
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User-Defined Fields are optional fields that you can use to store information from your ERP system that does not already have a corresponding Workbench column. These are useful when you wish to view, sort or filter by alternate data that is stored in your ERP, such as alternate part numbers, product dimensions, or different product categorizations.
You can visit the Interface Design section for more information on the User-Defined Field data source.
The Instance Settings are the base time zone, decimal settings, history capture time, and Auto-Pilot settings in Intuiflow.
Set the local time zone of your business here.
"Local Time Zone" is set to <Time Zone> as this is the time zone for <Company Name>
The History Capture Time field designates the specific time of day at which part history is captured. The time format for this setting is a 24 hour clock (also called "military time" in some countries). The recommended default value is slightly before midnight of the Local Time Zone.
The History Capture Includes Non-Buffered Parts field allows you to choose whether the part history capture includes non-buffered parts or not. The on/off switch functionality allows users to toggle between the two options.
The "History Capture Time" setting is currently configured for <Insert Time>.
The Global Decimal Precision field will define decimal precision at an instance level. The available options are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 decimal places. The default value is 2 decimal places.
It was determined that <X Decimal Places> decimal places were sufficient for parts within Intuiflow.
In the Security Settings, you can set the base Password and Login settings for all users who have been granted access to your instance. Most of these settings only apply to local Intuiflow access and do not apply to Azure Active Directory Single Sign-On Access. The exceptions are the Inactivity setting and Force Log Out settings, which apply to all sessions in Intuiflow. If you wish to set Active Directory Access Settings, you will need to go to the Import & Export tab in the Site Administration Settings.