Menu > Editors > Calendar > Default
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Menu > Editors > Calendar > Default
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The Default calendar is the system-wide workday calendar. This calendar should be set to your company's general workday schedule for each part type within your plant. The Intuiflow standard calendar is a 5-day work day calendar. If this is also your company's standard workday calendar, you do not need to make any additional changes to this screen. If you have a different standard work day schedule for or within your plants you will need to edit this calendar.
This is an important distinction as it will determine the dates for each order and how your EDU is calculated across Intuiflow. If there are locations using Intuiflow that have different work week schedules than the default, you can make those changes in the Location Calendar. The default calendar should represent the company's standard work week.
The above screenshot displays the Default calendar setup within the <Company Name> QA and PROD instances. The "Buy" part type calendar allows for the consideration that buyers/planners sometimes conduct work on the weekends.
The EDU calculation is primarily based on the calendars and the number of weeks in the ADU/FDU horizons in the Site Administration settings. The EDU calculation is always the Total Demand / Number of Working Days within the ADU/FDU horizons. Total Demand means that all demand, even if it appears on a non-working day, will be summed in the EDU calculation.
The Default Calendar is the primary calendar considered for this calculation. It sets the default number of working days in the EDU. Changes in other calendars will add or subtract days to this default number at the location or part level.
All order dates on the supply orders generated by Intuiflow in the Workbench and in the S&OP module will first follow the Default calendar. No dates will be placed on a non-working day in the calendar unless requested by the business in a custom order.